
Moin Technology Development Academic Company (DATFAM) was established in 2013 as a private stock and operates as one of the country's technology brokerage companies. The scientific movement and movement in accordance with the present and future needs of the country is always one of the demands of the industrialists, producers and investors of the educated class and the scientific elites of the country; Datfam Company intends to become one of the effective agents in the qualitative and quantitative improvement of the technological industry of the country by absorbing the three main elements of turning an idea into a product (i.e. technology, capital and market); For this purpose, this company provides various departments to applicants and customers who can work and cooperate with the company according to their needs. Datafam's movement process is based on a correct management approach in such a way that all processes are based on synergy of knowledge and experience. The basis of a systematic, uniform and coordinated thinking should be pursued. Obviously, effort and investment in this field is accompanied by many problems and challenges, but the company's goal is to strengthen the technological infrastructure and develop innovation in the country; It is the most important factor that is considered beyond the economic motives. We hope that in a constructive cooperation with customers, we can take an effective step towards the development of the country's knowledge-based economy.


Inofam capabilities

  • Products
  • technologies
  • Laboratory services
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship activities

Technological event

Call for offshore business plans

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of the University, in cooperation with the Open Maritime Innovation Center, has organized a call in the field of the needs of the country's maritime industry organizations. Therefore, students and university startup teams that are able to carry out the above projects are requested to submit the proposed project to the office of the University Innovation Center or send it via email.

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Admission process in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

process shape

Provide documentation and arbitration

process shape

Innovation stage

process shape

Pre-growth stage


Growth stage

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